American GI Forum National Veterans Outreach Program Inc.


611 N. Flores, Suite 200

San Antonio, TX 78205

(210) 223-4088


                                            JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT

                                          (TWC) JOB POSTING #13952691

Opening Date: January 08, 2020                            Closing Date:   January 27, 2020

Position Title:Director of Client Services

Salary: $50,000.00 (5% increase upon successful completion of six-month probation period)

Job Location:

8700 Stemmons Freeway Lane Suite #124 Dallas, Texas 75247

How to Apply:

Must complete an NVOP employment application and attach resume via email to Human Resources (May forward official /unofficial transcript, if available).



 The Dallas Director of Client Services is a key managerial position responsible for assuring the delivery of critical services to both veteran families “at-risk” of becoming homeless and non-veteran clients. The Director will be responsible for implementing and guiding all staff on site to perform the multiple grant requirements in a timely basis. The Dallas office operates the programs as listed: The Support Service for Veterans & their families is a “housing-first” model that requires focused effort on stabilizing veteran families residing in permanent housing but in jeopardy of becoming homeless, and homeless veteran families that are in need of placement in permanent housing affordable and suitable to the family. The Texas Workforce Commission Program serves both veterans and non-veteran homeless individuals by providing employment placement and support services. The Texas Veterans Outreach Program serves veterans that are hard to serve and have one or more barriers that include homeless, substance abuse, PTSD or ex-offender by assisting in securing gainful employment. The Director must assure that all personnel including Support Services Case Managers, Housing Coordinators, Benefits Counselors, Family Counselors, Outreach/Follow-up Specialist, and Intake/Certification Specialist involved in direct-delivery of services are coordinated in their work efforts, assuring non-duplication of services, and the quality and compliance of the applicable goals of each program are sustained. In the pursuit of achieving maximum benefit for the clients, the Director must effectively manage personnel, effectively use training resources, perform as the authority on the elements and details of each individual contract assigned, and mentor and train each individual staff member as may be required. Additionally, the Director of Client Services is expected to participate as ombudsman for the client services in the planning process, be accountable for the submission of all pertinent reports on client’s services, and the review and be accountable for all service personnel and their individual performance measures.

 JOB REQUIREMENTS                                                                            

 Preferred a Master’s Degree in Management, Business Administration, Public Administration or other field of endeavor with emphasis on management of personnel and/or business/program operations, and at least 5 years of experience in a responsible management position. At a minimum, candidates are required to possess a Bachelor’s Degree in one of the fields above or a related field in the endeavors of this program which could include Social Work, Counseling, or others, provided that they present experience of at least five (5) years of management in related work arenas that served low-income individuals, veterans, or the delivery of social services, housing, employment and training, or benefits and entitlements. Must be knowledgeable of computers and various software programs including WORD, EXCEL, and Power Point. Must have own transportation, a valid driver’s license, and proof of appropriate auto liability insurance. Must pass a drug test, motor vehicle and background record check. Must have extensive supervisory and management experience. Employer reserves the right to hire the most qualified person if no applicants meet the minimum qualifications.


                                      Equal Employment Opportunity Employer