I believe those who have served our country with honor and dedication deserve our gratitude and our respect. From time to time I also think we should do what we can to help veterans navigate civilian life. Those who have not served in uniform might have a difficult time imagining what it is like to leave the armed forces and try to adjust to a non-military life. It can be a confusing and frustrating transition, especially when it comes to employment.
My name is Mike O’Meara. (Linkedin) I’m the founder of The Hire A Veteran Project / Veteran Industries LLC. When I set out to make my vision a reality, my goal was to create employment opportunities and job resources for veterans. Since then, the project has grown far beyond my original ideas. Now, In addition to our original Hire A Veteran job board we’ve recently launched three additional support websites…
HireAVeteran.com – Job Postings and Veteran Resumes
VeteransDirectory.com – Find the Best Resources
VeteransJobFairs.com – Nationwide Listings of Military and Veterans Job Fairs
VeteransSeminars.com – Curated Seminars supporting Veterans Employment
I recently realized Ive taken this project as far as I can on my own. I would be honored if you would consider becoming a sponsor and joining to help us further promote and develop this cause. With your generous support, I can make all of these projects realities and continue to build a premier employment resource for veterans in America.
My message to employers is a simple one: Hiring veterans makes great business sense. These men and women are leaders, technology experts and driven achievers who have all proven they can get a job done right.
If you have any questions about what we offer, want to learn more about who we are, or just have general inquiries don’t hesitate to contact us. Whether you’re a veteran or an employer, we will get back to you shortly.